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Save the Date: General Assembly, AGORADA & Brokerage Event





3, 4 & 5 June 2024, Brussels

First, on 3 June 2024, we will hold the EURADA General Assembly, a pivotal event in EURADA’s calendar. This year's assembly carries even greater significance as it marks the occasion of the EURADA elections, where members will cast their votes to determine the new Board of Directors. Furthermore, members will gather to discuss important matters such as budget approvals for 2023 and the provisional budget for 2024, updates on ongoing projects, achievements, future initiatives, updates on this year’s working programme, and the like. Alongside this, it will also be an occasion to welcome the new members to EURADA.

Then, on 4 June, AGORADA 2024 will take place. AGORADA offers a unique platform for members to analyse policy trends, exchange information on funding opportunities, and enhance the performance of RDAs through shared tools and best practices. It's also an excellent opportunity to form solid partnerships with key players at the European level.

Lastly, mark your calendar for 6 June for the 9th edition of our Brokerage event. This event provides invaluable insights into European funding opportunities, including programs like Horizon Europe, Interreg Europe and ERASMUS+. Join experts in regional development and innovation to share best practices, find new partners, and explore project proposals. As in previous editions, pitching sessions will allow you to present successful projects or ideas for upcoming calls.

Stay tuned https://www.eurada.org/calendar/events/save-the-date-general-assembly-agorada-brokerage-event